This is a single-question demonstration of the Family Feud answer board I built last fall for the Highlands Latin School House system (and wrote about in my college essays.)


Space: Reveal Answer Board

1-8: Reveals corresponding answer

X: Plays "X" animation, for when a player guesses incorrectly.

Z: Removes unfairly/accidentally added X

Q,W,E,R,T: Toggles additional Sound Effects/ Theme Song 

Everything is connected to the keyboard (instead of mouse interactions) since the program's original purpose was to be projected to a larger screen/ screen-shared onto Zoom,  where onscreen mouse movement can distract from the board. 

Project fully constructed using C# with UnityEngine, by August Rothpletz. Graphics, sound effects, and answer board layout by the creators of the Family Feud gameshow. If you are testing this demo, I assume you are familiar with how Family Feud is played.

I originally made 20 questions for a Zoom single-house event. I later made some improvements for a 30-question version for an All-school event. This is a single question demonstration.

Thanks so much for trying it out!

- August Rothpletz

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